Dermatology is a field of medicine which is involved in the care of the health of skin, hair and nails. It is a practice which plays an important role in screening, diagnosing, creating awareness and managing pathologies of the three body parts mentioned above. Also, cosmetic dermatology is now the hottest trend which offers services such as laser therapy, spider and varicose vein therapy, fillers and injections, cool sculpting, hair transplantation and many more. Following are a few common reasons to visit a dermatologist. 


AcneIt is usually a long term disease of the skin which occurs when hair follicles get plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It is commonly found in teenagers and young adults but can affect all age groups. Reasons for acne could be genetic, hormonal or idiopathic. In some, it is triggered by certain food items such as oily food and chocolates. It is the commonest reason for skin clinic Sydney cbd visits especially when self-remedies fail and a professional opinion is needed. Depending on the severity and scarring of acne, there can be significant emotional distress and low self-esteem. 


Skin cancerEarly diagnosis of melanomas has very good prognosis. Thus a regular skin cancer check of the whole body is mandatory at least once a year especially if you belong to the high risk group which includes those who have many moles on their body, weak immune system, a family history and who are frequently exposed to sunlight. If a cancer is detected, appropriate management including the surgical excision of the lesion and proper follow up will be offered by the dermatologist. 


Hair lossUsually, a normal person loses 50-100 hair per day. However, if this amount drastically increases or if there is an appearance of a growing balding spot, paying a visit to a dermatologist may be necessary. Hair loss could be due to an infection, poor nutrition such as lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals or as a side effect of drugs but most often it is hereditary. Once a dermatologist determines the cause for it, he will be able to treat accordingly with either oral medication or topical treatment. These are only a few, but there are many other reasons for a visit to a dermatologist such as eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections. Scar treatment is also an important service offered by dermatologists which could range from surgical excision, steroid injections, silicone sheets to flatten scars and cryotherapy for keloid scars. When you do make a visit, make sure to wear no or minimum makeup, hair products and nail polish to save time. For more information, please log on to

